Accom Detail

Where to Stay at Sinister 7

Accommodation Detail for Sharon Berard_Pinkerton – Coleman

Fee: 125.00 per Room

Phone: 403 562 8803

Notes: Fully furnished 4 bdrm house with 3 dble and 1 queen 3 bathrooms Clean and cozy with. Full laundry Wi-Fi Cable Lots of parking Patio with Bbq

Pets in accommodation: No

Smoking in accommodation: No

E-mail Sharon Berard_Pinkerton

Disclaimer: Sinister Sports Inc. does not monitor any listings, prices, or agreements between hosts and guests. We take no responsibility for any loss, damage or problems that arise between hosts and guests, nor can we vouch for the quality of any accommodation. Hosts enter the information they see fit and the we do not follow up to varify any claims or content. This is a free service and users should contact hosts at their own discretion.

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